Sharing is Caring: Exploring machine learning-enabled methods for regional medical imaging exchange using procedure metadata


Seamless sharing between imaging facilities of medical images obtained on the same patient is crucial in providing accurate and efficient care to patients. However, the terminology used to describe semantically similar examinations can vary widely between facilities. Current practice is manual table-based mapping to a standard terminology, which has substantial potential for mislabelled and missing examinations. In this work, we establish several baseline methods for automating the mapping of radiology imaging procedure descriptions to a SNOMED CT based standard terminology. Our best performing baseline, consisting of a bag of words representation and shallow neural network, achieved 96.3% accuracy. In addition, we explore an unsupervised clustering method that explores relevancy matching without the need for an intervening standard. Lastly, we make the procedure name dataset used in this work available to encourage extension of this application.

In American Medical Informatics Association Joint Summits of Translational Sciencec
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